
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Safeguarding
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council believes everyone has the right to be safe from harm, to fulfil their full potential and to have their rights and choices protected.
As part of our commitment to put all children and adults who may be at risk at the centre of what we do and protect them from harm council has developed a Child and Adults at Risk Safeguarding Policy.
Council recognises that the Safeguarding Policy must be owned at all levels within the organisation and, as such, this policy is addressed to all elected members, employees, casual workers, agency workers, volunteers, hirers of facilities, contracted services, and the general public. It provides a clear statement of the Council’s responsibilities towards children and adults at risk. We aspire to having safe and respectful experiences for all within the borough.
There is an expectation that all employees will work in partnership as they apply this policy to their work with children and adults who may be at risk of harm or in need of protection.
The Policy includes:
- Reporting guidelines
- The key safeguarding principles for adults and children
- Types of abuse and their commonly accepted definitions
- How to recognise and deal with disclosures
Download Council's Adults Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
Download Council's Childs Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
Designated Safeguarding Officers Contact Details
The formation of a Council interdepartmental Safeguarding Forum highlights the council’s commitment to safeguarding.
Download Designated Safeguarding Officers Contact Details
Useful Contact Details
- Police 028 703 44122 (Coleraine Exchange) or 028 9065 0222 (Limavady) - ask to speak to the Community Safety Officer or Duty Sergeant
- GatewayTeam 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday028 9442 4459 or Emergency (Out of Hours) 028 9504 9999
- Social Services - Children (9am - 5pm) 0800 7837 745 (freephone - landline only) or 02937415285
- Adult Safeguarding (9am - 5pm) 028 3756 4423
- Child and Adult at Risk Regional Out of Hours All Council Areas 028 9504 9999
- NSPCC Child safeguarding helpline (for parents and other professionals) 0808 800 5000
Safeguarding Information
- Northern Ireland Adult Safeguarding Protection and Prevention in Partnership policy
- Department of Health Co-operating to Safeguard Children and Young People in Northern Ireland policy
- Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland Policy and Procedures for children
Council is also a member of the Leisurewatch Scheme, which includes a protocol with the PSNI for responding to potentially risky sexual behaviour by visitors to Council facilities and assists members of staff to recognise and address such concerns on its premises.
Safeguarding Training
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council work in partnership with various agencies to help facilitate Child and Adult Safeguarding training for groups.