Age-Friendly Causeway

The Age-Friendly programme aims to engrain the inclusion of older people in all aspects of community life, remove barriers to participation, ensure access to required services and make sure Causeway Coast and Glens is an enjoyable place for older people to live.
33,015 people in Causeway Coast and Glens are aged 60+. This is expected to rise to 51,078 by 2039. This substantial increase outlines why impetus is required for ensuring we become an Age-Friendly Community.
Age-Friendly as a concept was conceived by World Health Organisation in 2005. An Age-Friendly commumity encourages active ageing. Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is committed to becoming an Age-Friendly community to ensure that older people lead more independent, engaged and socially connected lives.
The Age-Friendly Programme is funded by the Public Health Agency and administered by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.