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Launch day – Friday 4 October 2024: Submitting an amendment to your planning application.

If you need to make changes to your application you can now submit them online from Friday 4 October 2024. You just need to select the ‘Amend’ button on the relevant application and scroll to the information or documentation you want to change. Once saved, this will create a “new” version of your application for you and submit a copy of the changed information and/or documentation to your Planning Authority for review. If any changes would increase the required fee, you can also pay any additional fee online.

The amendments will be reviewed by your Planning Authority, before deciding the next steps. Nothing will change on the Public Register until this review is complete. Your Planning Authority will be in touch if they need more information.

Implementation of new Validation Checklist:

Council’s Planning Department is implementing a Validation Checklist on 01 September 2024.  The new procedures have been developed in discussion with Planning Agents who submit applications in the Borough.

The Validation Checklist will provide support and guidance to applicants about the level and type of information required to be submitted with a planning application.  The requirements are intended to be proportionate to the nature and scale of the proposal.

The benefits of validation checklists are generally set out as follows:

• they set out the scope of information required at the outset to ensure a ‘fit for purpose’ submission;

• they enable the planning authority to have all the necessary information to determine the application.

• they minimise the need for further submission of additional information during the life of the application which avoids unnecessary delay in the determination of applications and reduces costs to councils through reduction in re-advertisements and re-neighbour notification.

• they provide applicants with certainty as to the level of information required and the likely overall investment needed prior to the application submission.

• they ensure that the appropriate information is provided with an application to assist interested parties, including consultees, in their consideration of development proposals.

The other supporting information is required at validation stage to front load and fully assess planning applications.  The level of supporting information will vary depending on the type of application and the scale, nature and location of the development being proposed.

Full details of the new Validation Checklist is available on the Council’s Planning website

New Pre Application Discussion procedures:

Council’s Planning Department is implementing new procedures for Pre Application Discussions on 01 September 2024.  The new procedures have been developed in discussion with Planning Agents who submit applications in the Borough.


Pre-Application Discussions are not a statutory requirement but offer significant potential to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of the planning process and improve the quality of submission of applications.  This process does not replace the requirement for developers proposing ‘major category of development’ or ‘regionally significant developments’ to comply with Section 27 of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 regarding pre-development community consultation.


Please note that general information such as planning history, site constraints and designations are available to view via the planning portal.

Further details and access to the guidance, form and fees schedule is available at


Convictions secured for removal of protected trees.

At a sitting of the Magistrates Court in Coleraine Courthouse on 07 June 2024, the District Judge imposed two convictions and fines of £700 in relation to the cutting down of seven protected trees under a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) in the former manse grounds at 231 Castlecatt Road, Dervock.

The charges were brought against Mr Richard O’Connor and Mr Gregory Warner by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council under the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011.

Proceedings followed an investigation by a Council Planning Enforcement Officer after receiving a complaint from a member of the public regarding the removal of TPO designated trees.

Council secured the re-instatement of all the TPO trees removed with equivalent native species heavy standard trees.

These convictions represent the first TPO-related prosecutions in Northern Ireland since 2019.


Planning Committee - 26 June 2024

Due to the upcoming General Election there will be no contentious applications proceeding to the Planning Committee meeting to held on 26 June 2024.  A contentious application is one where the recommendation is to refuse or the recommendation is to approve and objections have been received.


Planning Fees Increase

Planning Fees are due to be amended to reflect a one-year inflationary uplift across all fee categories as from 31 May 2024.

Further details can be found in the The Planning (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024 on the Government Legislation website.

Pre-Engagement with NI Water prior to submitting your planning application

Frequently, when commenting on planning applications through the statutory consultation process, NI Water raise issues with the capacity of the sewerage network and in some instances, with the capacity of the receiving wastewater treatment works.  Resolution of these issues can take time which delays progression of planning applications.  The Council encourages developers to engage with NI Water at an early stage before submitting their planning application.  Such engagement is facilitated by NI Water through their Pre-Planning Process.  This includes their Pre-Development Enquiry process which offers a response within 28 days for a nominal fee.  If there are no constraints, NI Water can provide a positive response in support of the planning application.  If there are constraints, NI Water may request a wastewater impact assessment.  Details of their Pre-Planning Process are available at the following link: .  This pre-engagement with NI Water prior to submitting your formal planning application will assist in speeding up the consultation process with NI Water and therefore the processing of your planning application.

For awareness, Natural Environment Division (NED) has recently updated the following Standing Advice on their website;

Single Dwellings
Common Lizard
Priority Habitats (+ flow diagram)
Priority Species
Smooth newt (+ flow diagram)
solar farms
wild birds (+ flow diagram)

Please see Standing advice for development of land that may affect Natural Heritage Interests | Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs ( for revised documents.


Updated Protocol for the Operation of the Planning Committee

An updated Protocol for the Operation of the Planning Committee came into effect on 01 September 2023.  Changes include:

  • Speaking Request Template for completion and submission to the Planning Department to request speaking rights at the Planning Committee meeting on a particular planning application listed on the schedule of applications for determination
  • Requirement for speakers to accompany their speaking request with a written submission of no longer than 2 sides of an A4 page summarising the points to be addressed and provision of supplementary information in support of their case
  • Ability to register to speak at a subsequent Planning Committee if the planning application is deferred for determination

New Planning Portal - Updated FAQs

Frequently asked questions about the new Planning Portal

New Planning Fees 06 April 2023

The Planning (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2023 ( ) come into operation on 06 April 2023 and will apply to:

  • All applications received prior to 06 April 2023 that are not valid applications prior to that date.
  • All applications received on and after 06 April 2023.

New Planning Portal - FAQs

Frequently asked questions about the new Planning Portal

New Planning Portal - Now Live

The new Planning Portal became operational from, Monday 5 December 2022.

The new portal will provide a modern streamlined service making it easier for users to engage with the planning process.  Links to the new portal are below:

The ability to submit planning applications online will transform the system by putting online and paperless submissions at the heart of the business model making the planning process more accessible for customers as well as supporting sustainable development across Northern Ireland.

The new portal was funded by the Department for Infrastructure and 10 councils and replaces the existing Northern Ireland Planning Portal (NIPP) which had reached the end of its operational life.

With over 12,000 planning applications submitted each year this is the largest joint IT project between central and local government to date in Northern Ireland.

Anyone wishing to submit a planning application or track or comment on an application will need to create a new user account when using the system for the first time, including those who currently hold a Public access account  

Demonstration videos and User Guides: 

The old Public Access website will remain available during December 2022 for information only.  It has not been updated since 18th November and will no longer accept online comments or track applications.

Further information can be found on the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) website.

Planning Committe Meeting - 23 November 2022

Due to the closure of the Northern Ireland Planning Portal (NIPP), all additional information for the above meeting is available to view at the link below:-

23rd November 2022 Planning Committee 

This includes addenda, errata. site visit reports and supporting documentation.

Closure of Northern Ireland Planning Portal (NIPP) on 18th November 2022 & Launch of new Planning Portal on 5th December 2022

In preparation for the launch of the new Planning Portal on 5th December 2022, the current portal will close over the weekend of 18th - 20th November 2022 to facilitate data extraction.  It will become available again on Monday 21st November 2022 but will be limited to read only access.  The current Public Access website will continue to be available during the transition period so that citizens can view applications but it will no longer accept online comments or track applications.  Instead customers can submit comments to Council  by email: or by post to: Planning Department, Cloonavin, 66 Portstewart Road, Coleraine, BT52 1EY.

Public Access user details will not transfer over to the new portal.  Therefore if you currently have a Public Access account for tracking or commenting on applications, this will close and the details will be deleted when the website is taken offline.  You will need to create a new user account upon first use of the new system after it launches.

Video Demos of the New Planning Portal 

Demos videos of the online submission and public register sites as well as the new Consultee Hub are now available on YouTube via the links below:

Online Submission:

Public Register – application search:

Consultee Hub:


How to get involved in Planning Committee Meetings

Please see below link to guidance on how you can get involved in Planning Committee Meetings:

Getting involved in Planning Meetings

New Planning Portal Update

The new Regional Planning IT System, for Northern Ireland will be launched on 5th December 2022 for 10 of the 11 Councils and the Department for Infrasturucture (DfI).  Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council will be one of the 10 Councils to use the new IT System. 

The key benefits of the new IT System include:

  • Ability to submit planning applications and comments online as well as requests for Regional Property Certificates and to report breaches of planning control (enforcement complaints)
  • Linked front and back-office allowing for improved efficiency by streamlining administrative processes
  • Improved validation and workflows to better manage workloads
  • Improved Consultee interface
  • Better user experience from an intuitive modern interface, making it easier for users to engage with the planning process


As part of the preparations for this, the current system will close over the weekend of 18th - 20th November 2022 to facilitate data extraction.  It will become available again on Monday 21st November 2022 but will be limited to read only access for most users.  This includes Planning staff and Consultees and means that there will be reduced capacity to process cases during the transition period as no updates will be permitted to the current system.

Any new applications received by Council during this transition period will be held and checked offline but will not be advertised, neighbour notified or new consultations issued until the new Planning Portal is up and running.

The current Public Access Website will continue to be available to the public to view applications during the transition period but it will no longer accept online comments or track applications from 18th November 2022 onwards.  Instead customers can submit their comments to the Council via email: or by post to: Cloonvain, 66 Portstewart Road, Coleraine, BT52 1EY.

In addition, Public Access user details will not be transferred.  Therefore, if you currently have a Public Access account, this will close and the details will be deleted when the website is taken offline.  Should you wish to use the tracking or comment features on the new Planning Portal or submit an applications online, you will need a user account upon first use of the new system after it launches.

Further updates will be provided closer to the launch of the new Planning Portal and demonstrations of the online services made available before the system goes live.

New Planning Portal

A new Regional Planning IT System, for Northern Ireland will be launched later this year for 10 of the 11 Councils and the Department for Infrasturucture (DfI).  Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council will be one of the 10 Councils to use the new IT System.  See DfI website below for further information:

Planning Portal Newsletter - September 2022


£10k fine for breach of Planning

At a sitting of the Magistrates Court in Ballymena Courthouse on 02 September 2022, District Judge King imposed a fine of £10,000 for what he considered to be one of the worst environmental cases seen in the Borough to date. 

The charges were brought against Mr Raymond Dallas by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council under the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011.

Proceedings followed an investigation by Council’s Planning Enforcement Officer after receiving a complaint from a Central Government Department.

Mr Dallas was found guilty of a breach of planning control regarding the deposition of controlled waste forming an unauthorised yard for the storage of vehicles, plant equipment, shipping container and building materials and the erection of a building.  The unauthorised works is estimated to have resulted in the clearance of 3,000 sqm of native woodland within Knocknogher SLNCI and the deposition of 1,255 tonnes of waste materials on land at Sconce Road Articlave. 

In imposing the fine, District Judge King took into account the scale of mitigation required to re-instate the lands and reduced the fine from £20,000 to £10,000.  Mr Dallas is now required to remove the unauthorised development and reinstate the lands to their former state.


Annual Statistical Update for Planning Performance

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Planning Department issues 2nd highest number of major planning applications out of all 11 Councils in 2021/22.

The Northern Ireland Planning Statistics Annual Statistical Bulletin 2021/22, published by the Department for Infrastructure, confirms that, out of the 11 Councils, Causeway Coast and Glens BC Planning Department issued the 2nd highest number of major planning application decisions over the business year, issuing a total of 15 major application decisions in a significantly faster average processing time when compared to the previous year. 

Over the year the Planning Department issued a total of 1,162 planning decisions (both local and major applications) with an overall approval rate above the Northern Ireland average.

Over the same period, the Planning Department secured the highest number of prosecutions and convictions against unauthorised development out of the 11 Councils, and continues to achieve the statutory target for concluding enforcement cases.

Planning Customer Survey

Launch of Planning Department Customer Survey

We are committed to improving customer satisfaction in Planning and are therefore engaging on an ongoing customer survey.  Please take the time to complete the Planning service customer survey.  Please complete the survey based on your most recent experience.  The results of the survey will be used to improve the Planning service provided to our customers.

Link to Planning Customer Survey

Latest Statistical Update for Planning Performance

Causeway Coast and Glens Planning Department continues to demonstrate that it is a place to live and invest. 

In the latest provisional statistics published by the Department for Infrastructure, Causeway Coast and Glens Planning Department issued the 2nd highest number of major applications out of the 11 Councils and faster than the Northern Ireland average.  11 major planning application decisions issued during this period (April-December 2021) all of which were approved.  The approval rate for residential applications also exceeded the Northern Ireland average at 94.8% with an overall approval rate of 96.2%.

The Planning Department also secured the highest number of prosecutions and convictions against unauthorised development during this period.

Planning Application Checklist

We are committed to assisting our customers to get timely planning decisions.  The Planning Application Checklist and Appendices provide advice on what information should be submitted with a planning application to assist in the processing of your application in a timely manner.  If supporting information is missing, it will delay the processing of your application and may even result in refusal of your application.

The information required falls into 2 categories:

Basic Requirements – this information is required by legislation and we cannot process your application without it; it is required to make your application valid.
Other Supporting Information – this is information we need to fully assess your application.

It is recommended that the Information Checklist is completed with each application to ensure that your application is accompanied by all the necessary information and thereby reduce delays to the processing of your application.

Planning Committee Meeting 24 March 2022

Please note that the Planning Committee Meeting for March has now been changed from Wednesday 23 March 2022 at 10:30am to Thursday 24 March 2022 at 2pm

Revised Protocol for the Operation of the Planning Commitee

The Protocol for the Operation of the Planning Committee has been amended and takes effect from 02 March 2022. 

The Planning Committee Reports will now be circulated to Planning Committee Members one week prior to the Planning Committee meeting.

The deadline for those wishing to register to speak on a planning application at Planning Committee, in line with the requirements of section 6.4 of the Protocol, is amended to 10am on the Monday prior to the Planning Committee meeting on which they wish to speak.  Note that for those applications deferred and brought back to a subsequent Planning Committee meeting for determination, those who have not registered to speak when the application was previously before the Committee cannot register to speak at any subsequent meeting that the application is being determined at.

Planning Committee Meeting 26 May 2021

Notice is hereby given that due to circumstances beyond its control Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is forced to adjourn the Planning Committee meeting that was due to take place on 26 May 2021 in the Council Chamber, Civic Headquarters, 66 Portstewart Road, Coleraine, BT52 1EY.

This situation arises as under Section 78 of the Coronavirus Act 2020 and the Local Government (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of District Council meetings) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 provision for remove meetings came to an end on 7 May 2021.  The Department for Communities is making arrangements for the extension of such regulations.  However, these have not been implemented at this time and as a consequence the relevant social distancing regulations means that this cannot be implemented in the venue for the meeting on 26 May 2021.  AS a result of this and the need to prioritise the health and safety of Members, staff and applicants we are regrettably forced to adjourn the May Planning Committee.

We apologise unreservedly for any inconvenience caused and we can assure you that we are endeavouring to do all that we can and to work within the applicable rules and regulations to have the Planning Committee sitting in June.

Revised LDP (2035) Timetable published

The Council has published a Revised LDP (2035) Timetable

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

The Council’s Statement of Community Involvement in Planning, agreed with the Department for Infrastructure (DFI), sets out how the Council intends to engage with the public, stakeholders and Government Departments in exercising its planning functions, including:
•             the preparation of the Local Development Plan;
•             deciding planning applications in the Borough;
•             planning enforcement; and
•             other planning matters.

Submission of Planning Application Update

Applicants/Agents are encouraged to submit planning applications and the requisite fee by post and also submit all documentation electronically in PDF format clearly indicating paper sizes for drawings. 

Guidance on how to submit a planning application by email is now available to view on the Applying for Planning Permission section of the Planning website at the following link

Site Visits Update

External site visits by officers commenced on Monday 20 July 2020.  These external visits are being undertaken by staff provided the PHA Guidance on social distancing can be adhered to.

Major Planning Applications Update

The DfI Minster has announced legislative changes to the process for major planning applications which come into operation on 1 May 2020.  The legislation temporarily removes the requirement for a public event (and its associated advertising) as part of the pre-application community consultation process and applies to those Proposal of Application Notices (PAN) given to Council before or during the defined emergency period (1 May 2020 - 30 September 2020).  The amendments require the applicant to provide details of how (including by what electronic means) further information may be obtained concerning the proposed development.  In cases where a PAN has already been submitted and a public event has not yet taken place, the applicant will not be required to hold a public event but should discuss with the Planning Department their alternative consultation measures.  For new PANs these should set out clearly how they propose to engage with the community in the absence of a public event. The Planning (Development Management) (Temporary Modifications) (Coronavirus) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 can be viewed at​ 

Planning Update 24/04/2020

The Planning staff continue to work from home on some 650 planning applications, PADs, Discharge of Conditions, Listed Building Consent, Non-Material Change applications and Consent for Works to Trees etc..  Work is continuing on enforcement cases with priority focused on those cases reaching immunity dates.  The Development Plan team continue to work on the background papers, drafting topic papers and settlement appraisals to progress the LDP.

Staff are issuing delegated decision notices remotely and new applications and amended plans/further information are largely being received electronically allowing new and existing applications to be progressed.  Neighbour notification letters are being issued and advertisements are being placed in the local papers. The publication of the weekly list of decisions issued and applications validated have also recommenced.

DfI have agreed the amended Scheme of Delega​tion for the Planning Department.  The amended Scheme of Delegation and Protocol for the Operation of the Planning Committee will be implemented from 01 May 2020. and is available to view and download from the Planning Committee section of this website.

Those wishing to communicate with Planning staff are encouraged to do so via email as this will speed up the process of dealing with your application, representation or query

Planning Committee Meeting 26 February 2020

Further to agreement at The Planning Committee Meeting on 22 January 2020, the Planning Committee Meeting scheduled for 26 February 2020 will commence at 10am.

Planning Committee Meeting 22 January 2020

Further to agreement at The Planning Committee Meeting on 18 December 2019, the Planning Committee Meeting scheduled for 22 Janaury 2020 will commence at 10am.

**** Please note a revised Schedule of Applications has been uploaded to include Item 5.15 - Planning Application LA01/2019/0132/F - Substation at Drumbane Road, Garvagh which is being recommended for approval ****

Planning Committee Meeting 18 December 2019

Further to agreement at The Planning Committee Meeting on 27 November 2019, the Planning Committee Meeting scheduled for 18 December 2019 will commence at 10am

Planning Committee Meeting 27 November 2019

Further to agreement at The Planning Committee Meeting on 23 October 2019, the Planning Committee Meeting scheduled for 27 November 2019 will commence at 10am

Planning Committee Meeting 23 October 2019

Further to agreement at The Planning Committee Meeting on 25 September 2019, the Planning Committee Meeting scheduled for 23 October 2019 will commence at 10am

New Planning Fees - 17 June 2019

New Planning Fees will come into operation on 17 June 2019 under the new Planning (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019