Wildflowers help nature bloom across the Borough
Wed, September 09, 2020
Stunning wildflower displays which support our native pollinators are blooming across the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area, thanks to a new approach to planting and the Don’t Mow Let It Grow initiative.
The floral spectacles, evident in many of our towns, villages, open spaces and roadside areas, have revolutionised Council’s land management practices and confirm its commitment to supporting biodiversity in the Borough.
Through the Don’t Mow Let It Grow initiative, natural wildflower meadows have been created in some Council parks by switching from grass mowing to a hay meadow style approach, while a change in the bedding plants used in floral displays has also helped to ensure there is a rich source of food for our precious bees, birds and butterflies.
The Mayor of Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council Alderman Mark Fielding said: “We are very proud of our floral displays which bring so much pleasure to the community and visitors alike. The addition of ‘pollinator friendly’ planting creating wildflower beds has added a new dimension to the formal planting around our towns and villages. They provide colour throughout the summer months and are much needed source of nectar for our wildlife and demonstrate that with a little thought, our natural environment can be managed to the benefit of both people and fauna."
“Members of the public have been very complimentary about what we have achieved, and I would like to thank all those who have taken the time to contact us about this. Their positive feedback is an endorsement for our Estates staff and it is great to see their efforts recognised.”
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Biodiversity Officer Rachel Bain added: “Some estimates suggest that up to one third of our native bee population could become extinct due to lack of food. This makes the embrace of biodiversity and the creation of habitats that are buzzing with life ever more important.
‘We have ensured that we have a good balance of colour and nectar rich flowers which are visually interesting for the community and visitors, as well as being good for our pollinators which hopefully creates a good balance for everyone.”
“Traditional bedding plants such as begonias create more formal displays, but unfortunately have no benefit to our bees, butterflies and moths. Please take a moment to enjoy these wildflower beds, look and listen and you will see they are alive with life.
“The Don’t Mow Let It Grow wildflower meadows are a very natural habitat with a mixture of native fine grasses and wildflowers. They are brilliant ecosystems for lots of our wildlife such as bees, birds, hares and ladybirds, and provide food and shelter all year round.”
To find out more go to www.dontmowletitgrow.com or follow Don’t Mow Let It Grow on Facebook.