Book now for after-schools Multi Sport Camps for young people
Fri, September 11, 2020
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Sport and Well Being team is holding a series of after-schools Multi Sports Camps around the Borough.
The programme is aimed at boys and girls aged 5 -11 and will give participants an opportunity to try a variety of activities.
From September 21st, Camps will be held weekly in Joey Dunlop Leisure Centre, Ballymoney, Tennis Courts, Ballycastle, Rugby Avenue, Coleraine, Dungiven Sports Centre and Scroggy Road, Limavady. Each Camp will cost £10 per person and run for one hour from 4pm - 5pm over four weeks.
Alderman Mark Fielding, the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, said: “The emphasis will be on play, fun and enjoyment, and after the challenges of recent times I’m sure our young people will relish this opportunity to get together and enjoy the benefits of physical activity. Parents and carers should book early to secure their child’s place and allow them to try out the range of sports on offer.”
To book a place you must register as a member on our booking system. You can do this by following the steps at this link:
Anyone who registered for a summer course can log in and book the course without having to complete the registration process again.
To request additional information you can email or ring 07719 745936.